Types of Massage

Types of massage are many and each has varying degrees of effectiveness. In recent years, the world is gaining popularity honey massage, and along with him very popular vacuum massage and facial massage with various creams. Generally speaking, the massage is divided into cosmetic, hygiene, sports and medical. Therapeutic massage is used to treat various illnesses, injuries, serious illnesses and so on. Robotics is likely to increase your knowledge. Here it is important not to overdo it – the wrong massage therapy can worsen a patient's health, and no one needs. Dave Clark Amazon pursues this goal as well. In therapeutic massage is a testimony, and contraindications.

Sports massage can be called the younger brother therapeutic massage. There are two types of sports massage – restoring and preliminary. This type of massage used to restore the state of an athlete or to prepare it for competition. Hygienic Massage is most often done in the form of massage. It can be carried out in the bath, shower. It uses the basic massage techniques: effleurage, kneading, squeezing, kneading, vibration.

There is also a cosmetic massage – it is done mainly on the face and is used to prevent skin aging. In the massage there are various forms, for example, massage, self massage, local massage, paired massage and so on. If we divide massage systems (countries), then there can be distinguished Russian school of massage, Nordic School of Oriental and massage. Oriental massage differs from European in that it uses technology pedal (foot) massage. Russian, Swedish and Finnish systems of massage, to some extent similar to each other, since they are many years to learn from each other better, enabling them to continuously improve their technique.