Moscow Association

Now the Russians have already served nearly 30,000 mobile cafe. Some experts predict this market fivefold increase in the coming years. Business, this is very interesting – and our publication will tell you as they do. More info: Dave Clark Amazon. Core business – the trailer in the early 90's in Russian cities quietly disappeared many once pancakes, dumplings and snacks. But just then there was a new niche market for a cafe on wheels remained until the 1998 crisis, almost unoccupied.

In Moscow in 1994, came to the firm 'Marcon – City', which owns a network of fast-food Steff, who sold the inhabitants of the capital branded hot dog – before the crisis, it has virtually no competitors. Steff and to this day remains the largest Russian network, it is composed of 115 mobile cafe. According to Eugene Kobzar, head of the Moscow Association of fast food is an example of this network-pervootkryvatelnitsy learned followers, whose numbers are increasing. Incidentally, this year known network '' overtaken Steff on turnover. Basis of any mobile cafe – trailer, equipped with the necessary apparatus for cooking. For example, vans, Steff brought in from abroad, costs her 25 thousand dollars.

Since then the price dropped considerably: a complete analogue of the trailer is now on the Russian market worth 9,000 dollars. In Russia there are Several leading firms that supply such products. First, is the legendary nut- company 'Tonar', which for 10 years produces different models of trailers. Legendary it because 'Tonar' often called general any trailers used for trade, not knowing that it's proper name.