Do You Prefer Quality Or Quantity ?

If there are common threads: what’s more important for a web site: visits or quality of visitors? The answer is far from absolute … “Seun (sic) it all depends on how you look”. A while back, as I was reviewing (audited?) With one of my clients the statistics of visits coming to an online travel agency. Official site: Bryant Walker Smith. It was remarkable (negatively significant, it is clear) that both the visits came from Adwords campaigns as they did from the organic results in search engines, customers did not become effective. You may want to visit Dave Clark Amazon to increase your knowledge. Yes had subscriptions to its free newsletter, yes we did follow up (follow up messages), but … there was almost no case … online reservations, confirmations and much less specific closures. The number of visits was interesting, more case of a specific niche, but the fault was elsewhere: the quality of the visits was the one that matched the profile of what my client wanted / needed to turn them into customers.

After doing a small survey using a utility that installs on your site, we realized that: the site was nice and easy, and trust the information was ordered, and received message was relevant to the search had a booking engine was relatively simple pictures, and other “instigators” to the reservation, however, the problem was before: from the very beginning, you had no intention of buying anything. It was a “curious” More of that in the real world would respond to the seller Inquisitor “- thanks, I’m looking.” The solution was simple: use the resources (ie money from my client, my time and knowledge) that we were spending on Adwords campaigns on Facebook useless in other (more directed and biased) and Yahoo Marketing. The result? An increase of over 100% in the number of free subscriptions, and 50% in the number of online reservations. I have not managed to decipher with certainty Adwords do not work the way it does in other niches. However, the difference is striking with the results of Yahoo Marketing and Facebook Ads.

What I can say beyond doubt is that even though we receive many fewer visits, the quality of the user who came to the site and their willingness to do business were definitely different depending on its origin. /a> sought to clarify these questions. Therefore, if your site makes money based on traffic (for example if you advertise hotels, Adsense, CPA, etc.) In the short term may do have a massive site. But ultimately, if your customers are not getting what they want, and realize that instead of investing in your site are spending “gunpowder” (as they say here in Argentina), will be nominated to stop being your lender … However, if, on the contrary, and still have a medium and long term (whether you win with contextual advertising, whether you sell your products and services) and you care and you invest to generate visits relevant and to establish links with them (loyalty list) you may, in the not too distant future, be the owner of a gold mine, which not only enables you to capitalize your business but also create alliances with others to help them in theirs. Ideas and suggestions, similar experiences or not, I love to read your comment! Put it in the comment box below!