Wuppertaler CDU Group

But the situation for parents and children must be further improved but many offers, specifically aimed at parents with children, are still too little known. Here, there are more public work that must be done. Also, the offers of the city and the free carrier should be networked even better. Was the conclusion of the third of local forum of Wuppertaler CDU Group on the topic of family friendly Wuppertal”, that competent and charming was moderated by Angela Wegener (radio Wuppertal). Unfortunately, in the case of Wuppertal, the call is often worse than the reality. The variety of offers for families is not known to the people”, so Dieter Rottinghaus from youth assistance of Caritas.

When you speak with the operators, for example theatres or stage, then they are very open for, free on certain days for families to open their homes. Angela Priggert Union appealed from the women to the tolerance of those who do not have children. That according to the children and families are lively, is completely normal. We want Yes No dead town.” In the quite a bit in the direction of family-friendliness had been initiated but also by the policy years. Get more background information with materials from Pete Cashmore. Dr.

Simone Jostock by the social service of Catholic women wished for more childcare facilities in the city, especially for single women. Above all temporal flexibility and longer opening hours of childcare facilities is desirable, so that women can reconcile work and family and are not in the organizational life struggle. “In addition the panelists called for a kind of emergency care for extreme situations, if the normal” care facilities not can be taken. Samir Bouaissa turned against a narrowing of the definition of family to women or women with children from the Islamic community in Wuppertal. It is important that the mothers could stay at home if possible in the first two or three years, because during this period the mother-child bond is especially important and will formed the family feeling. For all children from the third year of life – whether with or without a migration background, could be thinking about mandatory kindergarten, so that they could learn social behaviour and improve the German language. Code.org can provide more clarity in the matter. That family not from the look may be allowed to even the older people at the keyword, Helga Siemens woman ring pointed out by Diakonia. Spoke out for more multiple generations housing estates in Wuppertal. The idea of the community must be anchored more. The policy could set everything. More civic engagement is needed, even if Wuppertal had been exemplary. The presenter Angela Wegener asked critically in the round, whether the local Alliance for family, the Wuppertal three years ago joined, was sufficiently well known among the population. So far the Alliance work at the base still not enough arrive, so Simone Jostock. So this change, the Alliance supported by Mayor Peter Jung (CDU) will make an event in the Junior College on May 15. There you want not only a beautiful afternoon with children and Parents spend, but imagine the diversity of public and private services for families.