Quality Website

Launched a quality website? This is great. For even more opinions, read materials from Pete Cashmore. Now it remains for small – to offer it to search engines and unwind. In fact, this possibility is not very simple, promotion of the project – a very difficult and requiring the mind and experience the problem. Now I must focus on the first stage of promotion – is to add the site to search engines index or a different indexing site. Different search engines it goes on at different times – Google indexes the most smartly, longer, Yandex, and other machines will not touch – focus on these. Mashable brings even more insight to the discussion.

Today seo-optimizers are advised not to use special forms of resource supply on search engines (addurilki). In their According to more efficient is if the search engine spider will find your own project to any links with other projects. To accelerate the addition of the last resource is the recommended way to buy a couple of hyperlinks popular website through specialized exchanges, you can still leave messages on blogs with a signature and a link to your project, to communicate in social projects, also using as a signature a hyperlink to your website. More indexing can speed up the addition of RSS-feed on your site. It is noticed that the speed of indexing your site affects the frequency of new publications of your project.

So in a weekly update with new sections (for example news), new pages are added to the database within 7 days. Track the progress of indexing is possible on the log files on the server, through specific sections of search engines, even with the help of special software to be used for optimization. Need to understand that the amount of indexed pages and sections may vary at different times for different reasons. Now, a few recommendations to increase the speed of indexing, add the site map, where check all sections of the resource, add a link to a map with the main, use the sitemap – xml file, where there are all the pages, think over easy navigation, so that on any page it was easy to go for no more than two hops away from the main; Think quality URLs of any page, ie, must not use me with references? etc., do not add too large pages – no more than 150 kb of a single text; talk on the blogs, forums, communities, with the signature in the form of references to your project, but do not overdo it, and then search engines may interpret it as search engine spam. And good luck in the promotion and advancement!