Travel In Time

One of the most identifying elements of the Granada Highlands and the region of Baza is, without doubt, the amazing and traditional local housing par excellence: the cave House. Excavated from centuries ago, taking advantage of the soft nature of the broken terrain, they have survived at the time maintaining its peculiar physiognomy but adapted to modern requirements and needs. Used for decades by the humble people and farmers sectors as a temporary home while they collected harvests, they have become now coveted object of splendid rehabilitation projects for use as accommodation or catering. Neighborhoods with Andalusian flavour the first beautiful oval shapes of the cave houses dating back to medieval times, preserving the oldest in the Hafas from Benamaurel, Almohad homes dating back to the s. XII. Inhabited since the Al-Andalus period, these troglodytes buildings comprise some of the most beautiful and ancient areas of area neighborhoods: the Arab quarter of the Alhanda of Benamaurel, the neighbourhood of the caves of Baza; the neighborhoods of San Sebastian, San Marcos and San Juan de Caniles; the neighbourhood of the well of Freila or Abatel in Zujar. Charming rural houses restored in its major part, good for private use or as a hotel establishment, one of its key features tranquility offered.

Its domed structure and its limestone walls protect them from outside noises, as well as having excellent natural ventilation through the doors and Windows bleached lime, giving friendly lightness and neatness. Inside, the temperature is kept constant throughout the year, around 20 C. nestled in a privileged natural environment, Earth houses, increasingly most demanded by the lovers of the interior tourism, guarantee in addition to the rest, the delight of the environment and proximity to points of tourist interest in their cultural heritage and their living habits.

Assistant Professors

Neither were considered the polysyllabic words due to two factors: the words polysyllabic similar to snap phonemes are late acquisition and require an appropriate development of phonological awareness and the Auditory integration (Acosta, V., 1999). Technical difficulties with the automatic programming of the results by the Software. Finally it was not considered the evaluation of phrases or sentences because of the following points: is a virtually single repeat item. We believe that its initial objective is not to measure articulation, but retention and evocation of the phrase or sentence (auditory memory). (c) search for words to be represented in images. We conducted a search of more than 200 words that are associated with the phonemes to be evaluated in syllable initial positions, middle, and end, in addition to the vowel and consonant combinations. The set of words were chosen 67 comprising the SPAV. (d) collection and selection of images.

We selected 67 images from a total of 500, obtained through digital camera, choosing those who had the best resolution and ease of recognition. (e) final Constitution of the SPAV. Once collected and selected the information, that is, words, images, structure and characteristics of the test, applied computer technology and think this Software. (f) sample. The SPAV was applied to a total sample of 256 children, aged between 3 and 7 years old, distributed in normal and pathology of speech and language from the special school of language Ludilen, the Institute San Pablo missionary Region Metropolitana (Santiago de Chile), El Bosque communes and San Bernardo respectively. (g) procedure. The team of investigators was formed by a speech and a programmer analyst. Initially applied to the total sample the Test of articulation to the repetition, T.

a. R (short version) and the SPAV, in its first application, with a lag of one week. Both test were applied by a speech. The second pilot application of the SPAV was performed by different examiners which included a differential education, four Assistant Professors specialists in language and a teacher of basic General education.

Medical informatics in

Medical informatics in the U.S. The first use of computing for dental medicine for projects in the 1950s in the United States National Bureau of Standards by Robert Ledley. The next step in the mid 1950s were the development of expert systems such as MYCIN and INTERNIST-I. In 1965, the National Library of Medicine started to use MEDLINE and MEDLARS. At this time, Neil Pappalardo, Curtis Marble, and Robert Greenes developed MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System) in Octo Barnett’s Laboratory of Computer Science at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. In the years 1970 and 1980 was the most used programming language for clinical applications.From 2004, a descendant of this system is being used in the United States Veterans Affairs VA Hospital has the largest system of enterprise-wide health information that includes an electronic medical record system, known as Veterans Health and Technology Information Systems Architecture VistA. A graphical user interface system known as the Computerized Patient Record (CPRS) allows health care providers to review and update a patient’s electronic medical record in any of the 1,000 VA facilities for health care . In the 1970s an increasing number of commercial vendors began to market practice management and electronic medical records systems. Although there is a profusion of products, currently only a minority of health professionals to use fully featured electronic records of health care systems.In the United States in 1996, the Regulations on HIPAA privacy and medical record transmission created the impetus for a large number of doctors to move towards using EMR software, primarily for the purpose of ensuring the medical billing. In the U.S., progress towards a normalization of the health information infrastructure is underway. In 2004, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) formed the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT), directed by David J. Brailer, MD, Ph.D. The mission of this office is to achieve widespread adoption of interoperable electronic health records (EHRs) in the U.S. in 10 years. The Certification Commission for Information Technology for Health (CCHIT), a private group nonprofit, was founded in 2005 by the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services to develop a set of standards for electronic health records (EHR) and supporting networks, and suppliers to certify met. In July 2006, CCHIT released its first list of 22 certified ambulatory EHR products, in two different ads.

Evolution Branch

Evolution Branch of the Seine near Giverny, Claude Monet Berge in der franz sischen Provence (1878-1880), Olive Trees Paul C zanne, Vincent Van Gogh Un dimanche apr s-midi l’Ile de la Grande Jatte, Georges Seurat’s painting precursors modern movement had begun in the nineteenth century, which are represented by Impressionism Claude Monet, post-impressionism, with authors such as Vincent Van Gogh and Paul C zanne and Neo-Impressionism, which is within the pointillism of Georges Seurat. Then begin starting from 1900, new paintings by painters and precursors, also derived from modern painting movements, and that will lead to the first contemporary paintings. The historical avant-garde that emerged in the early years of the twentieth century Fauvism, Cubism and Futurism. Henri Matisse Fauvism begins with the first controversial pictorial, with the use of color in their pictures placed so ambiguous.Pablo Ruiz Picasso and Cubism figures distort reality, creating flat shapes with them and not volumes, and as manipulated before being painted. Use collage, using elements and materials mostly extra scraps of paper (newspaper) glued together with the painting created. Derived from Cubism and other movements of Am d e purism Orphism Ozenfant and Delaunay and Kupka. In the interwar period came first, expressionism, as is prevalent in the Nordic countries, Germany and Austria. Up to three generations of expressionist painting developed a representative and committed to the reality. Within a movement of the second generation expressionist Der Blaue Reiter are Vasily Kandinsky and Paul Klee, that led to the abstraction. In fact, Vasily Kandinsky, abstract painting, representing the inner self and thought, and it was only possible through non-figurative forms.Another trend within the neo abstraction is represented by Piet Mondrian, who created a new form of non-figurative abstract painting, using elements and geometric figures. The Russian Revolution also had an immediate artistic expression in movements such as Suprematism and Constructivism, before settling socialist realism. In the interwar period there is a line of paint that give more rein to fantasy, the irrational, dreamlike. There were precursors, such as Henri Rousseau and Marc Chagall. Within this trend may be mentioned metaphysical painting of Giorgio de Chirico. Marcel Duchamp, given art represent real objects of everyday life as purely artistic forms. Surrealism, a trend that pervades the arts in the 1920s, also has its pictorial expression, differentiating between the abstract and surrealist Joan Mir and Ren Magritte as figurative.After the Second World War, the center of the pictorial world moves from Paris to New York, which thereafter becomes the center of the visual arts. There arose the power of Abstract Expressionism, Jackson Pollock who took their main representative. He cultivated a new style of abstract painting, focusing on action painting. Is part of informality trends mater that is also cultivated in Europe as Tachisme or informality. Other painters are part neoconcrete and technological trends, as Team 57 or the new abstraction represented by Frank Stella and Barnett Newman. From this result movement like the Op-art (optical art) or kinetic art. Since the sixties shows a return to figurative, and it talks about trends neorrepresentativas (or neoic nicas).Among them we can distinguish the “art brut” Dubuffet, Francis Bacon or pop art, which led to a prominent figure in Andy Warhol pop art is in mass cultures, going into a more commercial and chart. Other lines are creative social realism or hyper-realism. It speaks for the whole period of the second half of the twentieth century, the “collapse of painting”, where each movement is subdivided into two or more styles, emerging technique successively combined and derived from the previous corresponding to contemporary painting that is more advanced and complicated every day, and where the controversy in the painting is a major feature in many of the current painting movements. The current painting becomes a kind of mixture or collapsed chaotic consequences of previous paintings known as the pictorial phenomenon isms.The artistic behaviors plastics have been diversified to include happenings, arte povera made out of scrap materials, land art or environmental art, conceptual art, body art, digital art,, and so on. Currently (2007) the contemporary paintings are being auctioned for large sums of millions of dollars (MDD), and the most prestigious art galleries .

Interdisciplinary Subjects

Ahead of the globalization and its challenges the manifest modern man the necessity to breach with the traditional models of education. The interdisciplinaridade associated with the medias since printed until the ones of last generation considers a form to especially tie the theory with practical so that if it can evolve and leave this marasmo where if it finds the education, the Brazilian education that to each day, no matter how hard the government propagates that it is investing to millions and millions, the results are always on this side of the waited one and thus although the scientific and technological advance that the globalization presents the education does not obtain to transpose some barriers and to reach what if it waits of the school and its Reals functions that they are to transform the individual half and where it is inserted. The interdisciplinaridade resurged in the end of the century passed from the necessity to justify the spalling caused for a epistemologia of positivista matrix. I say it resurged because at the beginning of the process of development in Greece, cradle of the civilization of the humanity, the knowledge was not fragmented, was integral, did not have this division between the diverse ones to know, all age Philosophy, all the knowledge was unified, with passing of the times and the evolution human being the knowledge if it broke up. There sciences had been divided in many discipline appeared in this context the diverse specialties and the figure of the specialist. alone to some time the interdisciplinaridade reappears reestablishing at least, a dialogue enters the diverse areas of the knowledge with the purpose to restrain the education based on the traditionalism. By the way of this commentary previously detached, it is convenient to emphasize that the practical interdisciplinaridade while in the Brazilian schools appeared with the introduction of the work projects and as a form to tie the theory with practical and the purpose of to introduce a new way ‘ ‘ of making of the professor and aluno’ ‘ in which the process of reflection and interpretation on this to make allows to go becoming significant the relation between teaching and learning through the relation of a work to interdisciplinar where the relations between the information sources, the objectives, the procedures, the evaluation criteria are understood and used in the school to generate a series of changes in the organization of the educational projects to be developed in the pertaining to school context Taking as starting point some hypotheses is possible to work any subject, the challenge is in as to approach it with each group of pupils and in specifying what they can apprehend of each subject that if establishes in searchs of solutions for the existing problems in the reality of the pupils and in the context where they live and they act as pensantes human beings that can from a structure search solutions for each subject, each problem that it can be decided, from a structure that must be developed and that it can meet in other subjects or problems.

Principality of New

Principality of New Granada I bring this issue to coffee, the paper deals with a micronation according to the author, is under construction. The theme gives 3 results in google (of which 2 are from here), very few when compared with that micronation aware of existence, my question is really relevant is an article like this In my opinion no, but can not get into a war of issue with the author, I see that the community says about this subject. Florist Mailbox 04:19 6 jul 2008 (UTC) Dear Wikipedians: I think really for assessing the relevance or not cueti n article should be able to have a chance to review it, I honor the comparison with Sealand, the difference is that Sealand is the model of micro-nations, there Micronations that belong exclusively to the realm of fantasy and there.All I can show is virtually related to Ronde Island and the only official link to the website of the Principality of New Granada which is already functioning that is the Constitution, I think the 100 articles of the same show that the project exists . Article osCsid 08b50320d08a7615f9c5941beda956f9 it has been removed can be put back to the community dispocisi n, the amount of Micronations mentioned and their relevance is debatable, the fact is that there are some virtually exclusively, others with a specific project. They can check for example the Principality of Nivent has its Wikipedia article. I welcome your comments. Sincerely. Henry Knight Read: In the section “History”, the Kingdom of Granada and the Viceroyalty of New Granada. (I mention Atlantis, lends prestige). Among the historical leaders, and Enrique Caballero Aburto Boabdil. (Missing Gargoris and Habidis).In “Modern Era” include the request of a territory and a hundred million dollars to implement it. In “Economy” the best: One of the main sources of revenue (…) is the receipt of contributions to realize the purchase of its territory. Own translation: hoax. Mercedes (Gusgus) messages 07:00 6 jul 2008 (UTC) Please, as you say that, Mercedes, just let the kid make spam to see if he pulls out some cash. It would hang for another micronation I have in my home, I put my salary economy and my wife in my grandfather’s historical leaders, and in contemporary times I will ask to send me 1,000 million Euros, in my house there are many expenses. Oh, and my micronation has more points in flora and fauna have to put the dog and the cat and the fleas are both two.Anyway, go way to waste time, at least I laughed a while: D ENSAD! “Digamel n 07:09 6 jul 2008 (UTC) XD 3 3 3 — — 07:11 6 jul 2008 (UTC) hayyyy, who had not seen this: Article 6: The official religion is Unitarian-Universalist, however not be limited or prohibiting the free exercise of any religious denomination. There will be an independence of church and state. The spearhead of the Church, will be the Grand Master of the Knights Templar Church Humanist, this position may or may not be occupied by Princeps Civium simultaneously.I love it, no official religion, but separation of church and state, juaaaaaaas, it always say that breakfast is dangerous jug brandy in ENSAD XDDDDD! “Digamel n 07:15 6 jul 2008 (UTC) Dear Mercedes: Not Gargoris, Habis not appear in the pedigree of our Civium Princeps, Enrique Caballero Aburto other hand is his father and grandfather Boabdil is Miguel Fern ndez Caballero de Granada, Father great grandfather of Don Antonio Caballero y Gongora, grandfather of our Civium Princeps, the proposed purchase of the Isle de Ronde there by a trading company called Principality of New Granada SA de CV, will certainly contribute to realize the purchase of the Dear ENSAD Island: One of the objectives is the preservation of flora and fauna of the island, using a bio-sustainableproject that conserrve the environment. Mercedes Finally there are several countries with freedom of religion, separation of church and state religion, as examples we can cite to England and Spain.I expected serious comments, but these have been droll and funny. Finally there is a point that apparently forgotten. We’re talking about a micronation. As it is not expected to stick to the formal requirements of a country. I invite you to read the page of the Principality of Nivent, which also is a wikipedia article. Greetings and I am pleased to have served at least for a little rest and play. We are in contact. Henry Knight Finally in paragraph 4 of the coffee policy speaks to treat newcomers with “respect,” respect, according to my very particular viewpoint is not in any way the sarcasm, mockery and disqualification direct a priori. 🙂 Un abrazo. Henry Knight. Dear Sir: This is an encyclopedia, not a place to come to market themselves.

Educational Software

After all, which is the paper of softwares educational? The paper of softwares in the construction of the inclusive society the inclusive education is an ample term, more means the insertion of children with some neurological riots in the conventional education. Glet affirms that this modality of education meets wide steps for its full functioning, whose objective is the possibility of ingression and permanence of the pupils in the school successfully academic, but nor always happens this. The world is dived in the automatic information, but from form intrinsically related to this, the society excludes ones to the others, had to the competitive market. To think that the education is an instrumental way is to think about the cruel market of work, where the poor person in individualistic formation in the most diverse passages tends to think on education of obsolete form, thus the desestimulao and the failure pertaining to school are the result of the same. As Saints the admission of the inclusive society is considered as a dilatado procedure, and the technology is a tool facilitadora of this process, therefore the accessibility of the information to work in the perception, emotion and cognition approach a pragmatic stimulation on learning, in which, it allows in the pertaining to school scope to maximize the time and its potentialities and to improve the conditions of life of people with difficulties, being thus broken, barriers architectural that discourage and that it promotes the failure pertaining to school. Half term enters, according to Whitaker, Pinto and Veloso (2000) software has the possibility to promote the reasoning of the pupil, therefore it allows to work the information through procedures in the data processing. Therefore it stimulates the perception in the descrimination of the aim at-motor coordination, the cognition in the capacity of representation of the symbolic world and the emotion in the work of the error in construtivista way, thus raising auto-esteem.

Engine For the

Engine For the record company, see Motor Music. Jet engine 1915, with provision and water-cooled radial. V12 engine car, used in a Lamborghini Murcielago. An engine is a portion of a machine capable of transforming any type of energy (electricity, fossil fuels …), into mechanical energy capable of performing work. On cars this effect is a force that produces motion. There are several types, the most common: heat engines, where work is derived from thermal energy. Internal combustion engines are heat engines in which combustion occurs in the working fluid, changing its chemical energy to thermal energy, from which mechanical energy is obtained. The fluid before starting the engine combustion is a mixture of an oxidizer (such as air) and a fuel, such as those derived from petroleum, natural gas and biofuels.External combustion engines are heat engines in which combustion occurs in a fluid other than the working fluid. The working fluid temperature reaches a higher energy state by transferring energy through a wall. Electric motors, when work is obtained from an electrical current. In wind turbines, hydroelectric or nuclear reactors also becomes a kind of energy into another. However, the word engine is reserved for cases in which the immediate result is mechanical energy.

Incorporeal Power

The ascension of a new regimen of accumulation of capital, supported for the technology of the information, is transforming the relations of being able. With the revolution in the technology of the information, the knowledge finally started to lead the force and the money in the equation of the power. In this dimension they are in crisis the State-Nation and the representative democracy. Through multilateral agreements, new relations of being able are institutionalized and implemented for multilateral agencies, under the rules of supranational mechanisms, that if place over the institucionalidade of the State-Nations, in representation of the interests of transnational actors with expansionistas ambitions. The national rules of the State-Nations are redefined as ' ' barreiras' ' to be knocked down, opening way to the supranational rules of the transnational corporative capitalism.

The electronic nets create a type of being able incorporeal that it does not respect nor it needs national borders; in contrast, these if had transformed in inconveniences for the transnational interests. The power politician, to formulate politics and to take decisions excellent is, today, institucionalmente located in supranational mechanisms. Of deliberated form, the ideology of the State is substituted by the ideology of the market, that demands the weakening of the public sector and privileges for the private sector. Also it has a trend for the globalization of the power of the civil society, that if it is organizing in nets of being able social and institucional, to exert its influence on questions generated from the sociocultural revolution: with regard to the human rights, the conservation of the natural resources, global justice, etc. However, in the level of the system national politician (formal), the generalized sensation is of that the representative democracy already is not enough for practical the democratic one because, in the globalizado corporative world, the ones that are elect do not decide and the ones that decide are not elect. In the present time, the more capitalist individual actors of the Planet are transnational corporations, that today represent the modern version of the monarchy absolutist.

Objective of the

Objective of the profession with the completion of this project aims to form a holistic health practitioner, providing services and expertise provided from the community and not from his office (the humanization of the health service), who is fighting shoulder to shoulder with the people that have absolutely preventive training, research and information on the population where it is developed, which is fully prepared to work where it is most needed, regardless of the geographic, environmental and demographic in which they can find, doctor is trying to form a community that puts the individual, a doctor who always looks for the cause of disease so you can avoid it in future, a doctor who socialized medicine and not to privatize. Physicians who do meet the new challenges that society demands in construction, the Constitution and the New National System of Public Health.