Microsoft Foresees Strong Growth In Advertising

Online advertising will continue to grow strongly in the next four or five years, particularly in emerging markets such as Latin America, Turkey and Southeast Asia, said a Microsoft Executive on Wednesday June 23, 2010. Darren Huston, Corporate Vice President of global consumption and Microsoft online area, also said that there was still no date for the launch of its tablets, that want to compete with its rival Apple iPad. We are still working with Hewlett-Packard and other computer manufacturers on new types of tablets, told Reuters at the international advertising festival Cannes Lions. now more. Now one of the giants of high tech entered the advertising business and the tablets, with this seeks to compete with the companies Apple and Google in particular. In the last 3 years Google has grown quite in systems of advertising on the web and mobile, mainly through its programmes of adwords and adsends, which advertised the different discagem and monetising blogs and webpages, especially in the field of adsends that took him out of United States where Monetize websites various countries including those in Latin America, where practically has a monopoly. Add to your understanding with Rusty Holzer. And Apple its recent business tablets, similarly, Microsoft Search remove market share to recent iPADS, which similarly acceptable boomed. By Leonel Morales..