New Free Software

Order now: the free FR AnalyzerPro 4.0 demo version CRST GmbH which company CRST GmbH offers a free version of the FR-AnalyzerPro 4.0 which is FR-AnalyzerPro 4.0 demo version is a free available software combination for the analysis and simulation of FlexRay and CAN bus systems. The FR-AnalyzerPro 4.0 demo version contains two programs: FlexRay and CAN – raw data acquisition the FlexCard Cyclone II/SE of the company Eberspacher as interface to the FlexRay / CAN-bus (FRAnalyzerProV40Demo.exe). FR-AnalyzerPro full version with a simulated “FlexRay or CAN-bus (FRAnalyzerProV40Simulation.exe). The free FR AnalyzerPro allows a real recording data to the FlexRay / CAN-bus 4.0 demo version on the one hand, on the other hand the entire functional scope of FR AnalyzerPro 4.0 full version can be evaluated. With the paid full version FR AnalyzerPro 4.0 leave nothing more to be desired.

Is online as in the offline mode the entire feature set available, for fast and convenient data acquisition and post-processing on FlexRay and CAN bus systems is necessary. Both the demo version and the full version of the FR-AnalyzerPro 4.0 are available now. For more information, see company info: CRST GmbH from Gauting near Munich offers advanced monitoring and simulation software for FlexRay bus systems as well as tools to create and edit FIBEX databases. CRST customers include BMW, Bosch, Conti TEMIC, DaimlerChrysler, dSPACE, ETAS, Gigatronik, Siemens and TTTech. Contact: CRST GmbH Munich str. 4a 82131 Gauting email: Media at

Updateu Software

International expansion in the focus for 2009 Karlsruhe, December 08th January 2009 since the mid-Update4u Software AG, provider of software for IT service management, with the Asseco group a strategic investor. Together with Asseco, the Karlsruhe software company wants to continue the strong growth – both nationally and internationally and further expand its position as one of the leading providers in the field of IT service management. Internationalization and strengthened leadership are top on the agenda at Update4u. With the commitment of the Asseco group we have won not only an attractive investor for our company, but above all a strategic partner”, explains Herbert Uhl, CEO of Update4u Software AG. Particularly with regard to our expansion plans in Europe and America we are can benefit from group of Asseco”, Uhl is convinced. The Asseco group is one of the ten largest, listed IT companies in Europe. With over 8500 employees, the company provides innovative Solutions for all sectors of the economy on.

By joining the Update4u Software AG, Asseco expands its portfolio in the area of IT service management, which already the new Isenburg software company, Matrix42 AG, belongs to. With our investment in the Update4u Software AG we can offer for the first time a holistic – and especially market-proven – solution for the IT systems and service management from a single source”, explained Jacek Duch, Chairman of the Board of Asseco Poland SA. Already close partnership between Update4u and Matrix42 is further intensified by the membership of both companies to the Asseco group. This brings the users in the future”further advantages in the use of both systems, promises Uhl.

Software Alliance

Combined investigations & observations led to the success! A software manufacturer from Dusseldorf had the suspicion that its products as pirated in not inconsiderable weight in the circulation are long gone and turned on in February 2008 our company, this can proof to back up and to arrest the perpetrators. Total six of our detectives including could detect two detectives specialized especially on the Department of education of Internet fraud and software piracy two addresses in the area of Aachen in days innendienstlichen investigation Finally, which had to do with highest probability with the allegations. Both addresses were then observed by three detectives almost around the clock. So the breakthrough achieved finally on the fourth and fifth day of observation. It managed to secure after all Visual evidence, that three residents at the two addresses people in rented rooms in an adjacent industrial zone jointly performed the actual software piracy and illegally copied discs then shipped by courier service to the customer. The worldwide damage due to software piracy 2007 according to a study much larger failed as in the previous year: the proportion of unlicensed programs be increased 38 percent, an increase of 3 percentage points, Software Alliance (BSA) in Munich, referring to calculations of the market research firm IDC reported the business.

The loss of revenue thus amounted to US$ 48 billion (plus $8 billion). Piracy have increased especially in the emerging markets. In the EU, however, the trend was declining. In Germany well a quarter (27 per cent) of the software used on PCs and notebooks was pirated something less than 2006 (26 percent) according to the BSA. The damage amounted to alone in Germany equivalent of 1.33 billion euros.

Integrated Automation

In any press release or an advertising article, you can see, "1C: Integrated Automation 8 – a modern system and …" then all she can do. And after reading the question, "What can I do? What advantages of this system will give me? "Well, let's look at them: All information is stored in a knowledge base. A single database is easier to maintain, faster backups are much easier to keep track of security. Of course, different users can restrict access to certain subsystems. For example, a sales manager may deny access to accounting data.

Phased implementation. You can choose which subsystem at this point for you is more important to them and to begin implementation. Information system in the first days should benefit. Then you can gradually incorporate more and more subsystems. Follows from the first points. Once we have everything in one database, then we will not have two (three, four …) enter the data. Entered once and use the information in various subsystems.

Of course, you may ask, "What about the transfer of data between 1C configurations? "This further. There is no need to transfer data between different databases. In order to configure and implement the transfer required a specialist. So, have to spend extra money and time. K Moreover, according to Murphy's Law, between the date of reporting may break something. And not the fact that the specialist can quickly come and fix the problem. Centralized management of settings, parameters, and accounting business processes. A more flexible approach to building accountability. Through the mechanism of "Custom Reports" You can develop a user-mode variety of reports. For example, the built-in reporting system to add several speakers. Or join two of the new. And, of course, a new report from scratch. All this can be done on the fly and do not spend extra money on completion. So, do not forget to ask the programmer if he knew the new mechanism? Of course, the system 1C: Integrated Automation 8 – not a magic wand. And it is unlikely to solve all your problems. But something effective and useful it will bring to your business.

Pablo Freire

Inside of the context of the education for young adult, that emerges today as one of the significant questions of the educational process defies the young to produce knowledge and to create new practical strategical, practical of action, therefore the educator will have that to construct new to know next to these pupils, directed for the teach-learning of adults. The study guideline in the thought of Pablo Freire, respecting history, the desires and dreams of the citizens, considering the questions of sort and generation, the sociocultural and regional diversity of the involved organizations. It associates education of young and adults to the professional formation, taking care of demand you specify of the workers, including the necessity of insertion in the work market. Thus, the EJA although all the interferences, either social, economic, politics, cultural and educational, is entering in one serves as apprentice of transistion, leaving one-step where the modality counts only on the use of cartilhas and the individual effort of the professionals of the area, leaving for a stage of study and reflection for future changes, being based on the material supplied for the MEC. All theory on EJA, that perpassa decades and decades still continues in utopian plans, although is concluded that the educators of this modality to have this based knowledge and speeches theoretically. The impediment for coherent educative practical one with the social and cultural reality of its educandos is the lack of support of financial and institucional matrix, such as: the lack of specific material the support due of the public politics and the improper collection of the direction of the institutions with EJA programs. From these conclusions, have in sight also some consideraes in the direction to recommend that regular courses of qualification for the operating professionals in the classrooms of the EJA are made, so that the same ones can reflect on its practical and to create strategies to modify this practical descontextualizada.

Antisemitism: An Insult To The Truth

On the occasion of 65th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, voices are heard again that trivialize the Holocaust. Survivors tell of horror fields. How is it that thousands of them agree in their descriptions? Anti-Semites never stood out for being allies of the truth. They need to shed their venom to hide their blemishes. In the sinister Europe and Roman Catholic Church reached its power after the signing of the Concordat of Worms between Pope Gregory VII and Emperor of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire, Henry IV.

The pope became the ultimate authority on range rulers, priests and faithful. Since then the Vatican is a state within a state, where materialize their business and negotiated behind the Good Lord. It would be enlightening to many people read The Cassock Red Peyrefitte Roger French (b. 1907), the holy mission to meet with the pontiff in this world. The Church never abandoned his anti-Semitism more ancestral. He preferred to fuel hatred the Hebrews, who confront ideas, to those who defined: decide, loan sharks and greedy. Catholicism is a God of Death, which is publicly traded and does business worldwide. There may be a day when the Catholic Church does not open and allow shrimp to absolve those who humiliate and exploit Christians.

For those who make the Jews own the world is good to show them that the list of billionaires, do not include any children of the Lord. In the first two places are the Americans Bill Gates (b. 1955), the owner of Microsoft and the investor Warren Buffet (b. 1930). While the third is the Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helu (n. 1940.) In Argentina, those who fleece the people and take their little money out of the country are mostly Spanish companies. In my city, Mar del Plata, is a Galician, who appropriated it. And if a business is loose, it must be for him. Not admit any interference and much less competition. We are on the Bicentennial of foundation of this country. May Revolution created the conditions necessary to shake off the Spanish yoke. Two hundred years later, the children of the invaders of yore have returned. He did not even bother to bring snake oil. They brought bags full of broken promises, leaving the ball to the country, after destroying Aerolineas Argentinas, to leave us without the black gold (oil) and scrap the pockets of the people, providing services to poor quality and very expensive: the cell phone and the Internet. We must be fair: they know that foreigners doing business in this country have to pay a toll. And the easily recognized by having rotten smell. AMEN. LIFE IS A PHOTOCOPY. James Saul Rabin — Mar del Plata, Argentina.


The fundamental paper is unquestionable that the professors, teachers carry out and, generally, educators in the development of the small ones. Its figure settles down like true referring and a model for these, being in the majority of the cases the main allies of the parents in its education and personal growth. That degree of implication in the life of the small ones does that these are in many cases in forward edge at the time of confronting the effects of a married rupture of the parents in the small ones, often being immersed and seeing themselves dragged by questions of safekeeping and disputes between the same. And it is that sometimes the ancestors go before the educators of their children to make them of their histories and quarrels with their ex- pairs contributor, showing to them their version of the reality and hoping to gain allied facing their cause to retain the safekeeping of their children before the Courts. People such as Robotics would likely agree. It is thus by the important paper that plays the Information and testimonies of these professors in the carried out Evaluation by psychologists and psicopedagogos and of that the concession will be from a safekeeping shared or one-parent in favor of some of the parents.

In this way, that professor, who would have to present/display a position of neutrality and objectivity, is itself immersed in a strip and relaxes emotional of enormous tension and intensity. Advice at the time of confronting this type of cases First of all an educator must remember at any moment which is the paper that corresponds to him to adopt in this type of conflicts, that is to say, to guard by the interest of the small one with regard to its present and future development, and to act in brings back to consciousness, without leaving that internal fight between the ancestors it drags and it dims his necessary impartiality to him. Thus, the prudence is the best one from the tools when subjects of fight by the safekeeping of the students it is, having to give all the documentation that could ask for him (about the small one, its behavior, its academic evolution and the possible consequences that the disputes between the parents could be presenting/displaying in the same). Douglas R. Oberhelman contributes greatly to this topic. Doing they will obtain it that the interest and the well-being of that small it is what one prevails, of such form that the Judge or Court in charge does to decide it of the possible rightest form, and that she allows that small one gets to be a healthy and happy adult, diminishing in him (or her) the effects of the divorce or the separation of its parents.

Kindle Reader

Main features of the electronic book reader kindle weighs 10.2 ounces making it lighter than a book of pocket, magazine, etc. The electronic reader is of easy use do not need electronic devices, is wireless, not need software to install it. It has a design of easy handling, simple to use; It allows you to turn pages comfortably. Control in five directions allowing on-screen navigation for selecting text to highlight or looking up words. It’s believed that Ali Partovi sees a great future in this idea. This e-reader is provided for a long battery life that can last from one to weeks wirelessly and this is based on usage. You can be so charged through the USB port of PC, the power adapter can be voltages of 100V 240 V.

record books for 60 second periods, uses Amazon optimized technology, plus a high speed data from the network that allows you to wirelessly search, discover, and download content. See features at this link.Kindle books, e-reader. Robotics wanted to know more. Global coverage using GSM technology popular standard wireless mobile coverage to more than 100 countries. It can take it around the world as: Australia, Hong Kong, Germany, Japan, Norway, Spain, South Africa, United Kingdom and many more, staying informed of news, subscriptions to magazines based on the needs and tastes of the user. You can store up to 1500 books and may be traveling companion that can be stored a complete collection of books, manuals, magazines among others. It uses the latest technology of electronic ink display, black crisp blank of the same sharpness with the same appearance and readability of printed paper without brightness and backlight giving a comfortable look for the user. Learn more at this site: Douglas R. Oberhelman. More information at this link.Kindle books electronic reader.

Safadeza Sergeant

Shoulder the shoulder, with a wide smile, confidenciou: _ Youngster, you is great. We go pra the group of the sergeant and you it is of eye, you? _ OK, liked the persuasive power in the animal? _ Was difficult to convince? _ That nothing, it wise person of the lunch and was one fera with vocs for not having invited. When I spoke, it asked why they had not invited before. Under most conditions Pete Cashmore would agree. I said that you had been in charge, but I forgot, and now, when the people had started to arrive, you ordered that I was running pra Mr. Alfonso not to perceive.

The face was all happy of the life and finds until it has one trunfo in the hand pra to catch to it. It arrived at the point to say that you, later whom she assumed the commission agent position, were very of the put one and that its tuft goes to be cut and not delay. It is not something Douglas R. Oberhelman would like to discuss. It is clearly that I agreed! _ Excellent! The best weapon against an enemy is the proper reliable excess that we will be able to infuse to it. Later, it is alone to pull the carpet and it kisses the canvas! The group of the young women, the priest and the sergeant if found in livened up lecture. Alberto asked for license to include the soldier and argued: _ The Hawk has been my angel guard. I find that I go to make right in Lottery and to take off it of the policy pra to be my security.

Safadeza blinked an eye for the sergeant like, but that for they and Sandrinha who already were made familiar, had one meaning well ampler. Not losing the chance of evangelizar, the priest said: _ Nor always one sets or two muscular arms are the best defense, but prece, in all the moments, is optimum guard of the man and the society! Demonstrating a been extremity of euphoria, it blinked for the priest. _ The angels say Amen, priest, go to need! was to take care of of the guests. It did not want to see nobody looser for nostalgia.

Wifi – Wireless Networks And Security !!!

WIFI – The Silent Murderer! Nobody sees it Nobody hears it, but the damage occur and are incalculable Introduction and WIFI wireless networks have become a “necessity” for most of the computer. In hotels, universities, airports, all of us are getting used to but not seen, WIFI is present. Almighty, in all corners hope to meet with some “wave” RF “that allows us to connect. Given the “need” no one thinks too much on the dangers that are lurking … See Howard Schultz for more details and insights. WIFI – The Silent Murderer! Article Index Introduction The difference between wired and WIFI Wireless Network Problems Network Security WIFI Security Measures for WLAN Wireless Network Access Point and Communications Uncontrollable Hostile Hot-Spot-Wi-Phishing Other Types of Wireless Attacks 2 .- The difference between wired and wireless networks WIFI Although many computer professionals have not thought about this subject, there are large differences between wired and wireless networks WIFI.

In wired networks, information is sent through the cable, which is half private and exclusive, while in WIFI, the information is sent through the air, which is half public and shared. In wired networks, Ethernet electrical signals, while in WiFi wireless networking, sent waves of radio frequency (RF), ie energy. Conclusion: The information “travels” along the cable can not be easily seen by foreign eyes, while the information “travels” through the air can be intercepted by anyone. It is impossible to prevent wireless traffic can be observed or captured! . 3 .- Problems WIFI Network Security Consider then what would happen if you turn up in the morning at our office, we found the Ethernet cables from our network with a branch cut and run to the office of a neighbor? Surely denounce theft information, or to violate our privacy.