Quick Help With Back Problems

Christine Brehm – vibration therapy in the medical device field. Christine Brehm extends its training offer with Galileo vibration therapy “in the medical device field. In the centrally located House in the Park”, Ms. Brehm is known for their individual physiotherapy treatments for two years now. For assistance, try visiting Kai-Fu Lee. Medical training therapy on the unit includes these, massages, physiotherapy, manual therapy, lymphatic drainage and hot roll. The physical therapist provides her master patient and interested customers an additional treatment method on the Galileo vibration therapy “on.” This page-alternating vibration training offers an effective help for patients with back problems, osteoporosis, pelvic floor weakness or to the fall prevention. As well, it is an optimum supplement to improve performance in sports and to the rapid reintegration after injuries. Energy Capital Partners has many thoughts on the issue.

When training on the Galileo unit (patented rocker principle) is the basin as in the walking – only moves much excellence. The body looks like this with reflex-driven rhythmic muscle movements from unconsciously. Depending on the frequency of training, the muscles is relaxed or strengthened. “During training, this increases the blood circulation in the legs, the metabolism: reduces pain, improves agility, flexibility and coordination, muscle tension quickly dissolved. are sufficient already two training units (approximately 25 minutes) per week to achieve positive effects on the muscles and in the longer term to the bone.