Internal Essence

The universe in that we lived is governed by laws and principles that are immutable, you are laws were created reason why we could call God, that is that Omnipotent God, Omniscient and Omnipresent that surrounds all it and surrounds, all we we were created to its image and similarity, sagradas the writing says to us: Genesis Then 1:26 said God: We make the man to nuestraimagen, according to our similarity; and it has potestadsobre the fish of the sea, the birds of skies and the beasts, on all the earth and mainly animal that arrastrasobre the Earth This is meant that all we are a God in power and who we have all the same capacities and possibilities of creating or of constructing according to our will, more nevertheless, the society and everything what we to us even surround, we have conspired against we ourself and we have forgotten than we are able to be and to do. The man has the possibility of creating his life voluntarily, to be what wants to be and to have everything what wants to have, because he is innate in us, we were created to image and similarity of the creator, reason why we can then construct and mold our lives voluntarily. We are constantly creating our surroundings and life with our works, words and thoughts, with the same capacities of that God in power that we are for creating, lamentably, many people make use of those forces and capacities in conscious or unconscious form, because also they were made to image and similarity of the creator and by means of envy, bad words and bad thoughts,

Can create around us, negative energies and influences that affect to us in as we develop in the life and influence negatively in everything what we want to obtain. Our luck and destiny are not more than what we ourself we have attracted our lives, we lived circumstances in which we are totally responsible for them, although we blame of it other people, to the society, to the surroundings, we cannot deny our responsibility in the fact, is the power of God in us and the other people who start up to create or to destroy. Energy Capital Partners may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Nothing is at random, all is reaction to an action, cause and effect. Our destiny is molded by our actions of the day to day, reason why the future it is constructed today, in the present, the future is sumatoria of the present, if we want to change our future, first we must change the present. What the viewers are able to see is simply a projection of our present in the future, if we walked course to a precipice without stopping the march we fall in him, is what would see a viewer because it is the course that we took, we can change but it if we changed our way. A great poet said, ” Traveller is no way becomes way to andar” and it is truth, the way becomes day to day, with our works and action, depends on them as it is journeyed by that way.