
Dear Santa, in view of which the things go mainly of evil in worse and, in view of which successor 2010 is going away to put ant color that is, between deep black and red blood fodder not to walk to me with roundups, I want that you bring a knitted cap to me. Such waste of false modesty responds to a honesty impulse and is that I must confesarte my beloved and potbellied nordpolero, that this year I have been what jijo of gayaba could be catalogued of true because I have not done nothing else that to complain me so many and tantsimas bad plays of that I have been victim like the majority of my compatriots, who the ninety percent of mails which I have sent to my friendly, relatives and contacts generally, correspond to subversive invitations to let know him to our governors who already we are fed up of its excessive handlings and that in each opportunity that appear to me, small change allusive commentaries to rises – of he brings back to consciousness and revolutions – of criterion as if Mr. Dave Clark CEO may find this interesting as well. Malcolm X had reincarnated in me. Besides knitted cap and hoping not to abuse your confidence, would want firstly that you brought some small things to him to compadres that they walk or put in the Pole, would like me that to the such Marcelo you brought a handful to him of sanity so that is not at the same time walked giving blows of chest by the lack of water in its demarcation and throwing million liters to continue putting tracks of ice and public beaches, I cannot believe, we had been it years complaining to us this without very the caradura has to or looking for another way to gain to the town playing to him best the take-smiles popular and brings also a bicycle to him so that it continues doing because it does, Agustn I will be thankful to you that you bring two neurons to him, normal of which if they work and a motor one because no longer we can follow paying his comilonas to him, to Felipe please Ernesto style brings a military dress coat Guevara and soldaditos to him of plastic so that it continues playing the small wars of the deceits and a red cordelito so that the mooring where it wants and to see if from now until the term of his administration it remembers that it promised to us to eradicate the possession payment, to the Elbe teacher you must bring to him and here if, that I am not going to you to accept any fault a scholastic dictionary so that it is taught to speak properly, to my cuates of the House of Representatives please you do not bring anything to them, who is they who make their Christmas purchases with their offensive bonds, to the police bodies as every year I ask to you brings a handful of decency and another one to them more of common sense and if it is possible to you, a caminadora to all that one that shows parabolic outlines around the navel, to the industralists who do not pay taxes please brings a new washing machine to them with system of integrated automatic washing so that platform losing the time in useless red tape and that their processes of evasion are not simplified, but mainly my considered cloud beards, I want that you bring each and every one of the inhabitants to him of this gorgeous and aguantador country, the trousers necessary to begin to develop that change that as much comes to us being urgent, so that they cheer up to raise the voice and the hands of exact way and constant but mainly, brings a little brings back to consciousness of unit because nobody thinks to me that only united we will be able to obtain that the luck becomes of our side.