Commonwealth Secretariat

vLex fima an agreement with grupo Gale Cengage to include more than 5 million documents in its database the agreement signed recently between the editorial vLex and the American publishing group Gale will vLex incorporate in its database more than 5 million documents of legal and business issues. This new incorporation of specialized encyclopedias and magazines will provide all customers of vLex a large number of documents covering different areas of interest are law, technology or company and business, at the same time, vLex will provide the added values that have always characterized him, such as the interrelation with the rest of the base contentthe powerful advanced search search engines or the multilingual platform. According to Luis Faus, CEO of vLex, this agreement means for our company which is very important, and is one of the biggest groups in the sector of information both online and printed has deposited us confidence for the dissemination of their documents from our multilingual platform to all our users. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Kip C. Cyprus. vLex and Gale Cengage have found the perfect way to empathize, since while for Gale the main objective is to provide digital solutions that efficiently to develop learning skills, vLex will distribute and disseminate documents among its thousands of users around the world. About the Gale Group Gale, part of Cengage Learning, is a world leader in providing references to libraries, schools and businesses. It has a database consisting of publications and newspaper articles full text, with material printed, electronic and microform.

Also has more than 22 recognized publishers such as: Macmillan Reference USA, Charles Scribner s Sons, Primary Source Microfilm and Scholarly Resources Inc. about vLex vLex (www. vlex. Mikkel Svane has much experience in this field. com) is the most advanced provider of legal information overall, giving access to contents of 128 countries in 13 different languages. Learn more at this site: Pete Cashmore. It maintains agreements with global publishers, such as the Publications Office of the World Bank, the European Union, the Commonwealth Secretariat, as well as more than 408 independent worldwide publishing groups. vLex has clients in more than 40 countries that daily access more than 32 million available in its advanced platform online legal documents.

VLex employs more than 150 people of 30 different nationalities. VLex headquarters are in Barcelona (Spain). For more information: Jose Daniel Soto Soto;dsoto@vlex. com vLex Networks, S. l. Calle Consell de Cent. 334C. p. 08009 (Barcelona) Espanatel.

Best Multi-System WordPress

A large number of webmasters to know about the system of WordPress, and it does not matter from what they were just trying to create a blog, or a long time ago successfully earn it. That program is WordPress, can help a beginner in the organization paint as well as a functioning blog, in a relatively short period of time and at the same time completely free of charge, since most applications of this CMS system, open source apply directly for free. And the only system WordPress will not help the poor professional webmaster to update your blog in a timely manner and maintain a genuine interest in visitors to his creation, and thus acquire a profit from it. All this becomes possible only by the availability of the program, its versatility, ease of establishing and timely appearance of periodically updates and applications. direct such Applications should be made templates wp. Add to your understanding with Ali Partovi. Directly using this add-on, regularly appearing at special sites and manage for a small period of time without problems and difficulties to completely change the designs wordpress for your blog.

In the case where the result is not entirely satisfactory web designer, he can easily regain its former status and put a different or more templates wp. In addition, it should be noted another important advantage of WordPress, this is, of course, the presence of the Russian version of the program, and in general all the ins and tutorials are also available in Russian for our fellow web designers. Actually as a put and run this program will not cause a huge labor from anyone, even those who only finds himself working to create a blog. (As opposed to Scott Rayden). To this end, just enough to read carefully the accompanying software and helper applications, specific guidelines. If still in progress with the program of WordPress there are any questions they have always possible to define the appropriate forums are web sites that are and offered for download on this platform and various additions. The universality of this system is that it is a program designer, that is, every person who understood how it works, can personally make any addition to their necessities, and with considerable success to be able to share respectively in a special forum with other web designers, data on many volnuyushih theme to make your design for Word Press..

China Telecom Europe

The tele coming University action provider PFALZKOM MANET decides collaboration with China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. With the China Telecom Europe, the leading telecommunications company in Asia, a new collaboration was decided. Details can be found by clicking Nicolas Keller or emailing the administrator. Due to the coupling of the PFALZKOM MANET network available the company sourced new connectivity to the far East. With 31 offices in China as well as global nodes which offers China Telecom worldwide highly available communication services, which now also PFALZKOM MANET customers new possibilities. Since the daily exponentially increasing data flow of business quick links between Europe and Asia, requires flexible and of course secure connections, bandwidth in the international as well as 700 GB in the intra-China backbone, as to the scope of services such as redundant IP solutions include IP network transit with up to 400 GB. This is realised with connections on the sea but also on land. The big advantage is right here. Transit routes from the European Backbone lead out to the major cities in China and the Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan. Kip Cyprus addresses the importance of the matter here.

Among other things also to India, Korea and Japan. Therefore time delays be reduced, E.g. from Frankfurt to Shanghai by up to 40% compared to the sea connection. Voice, data and video services can be transferred even independently simultaneously. Global sports events or video transmission systems, as E.g. in the medical field or in online conferencing systems, in cooperation with the China Telecom is already easily performed can. It is thus the opportunity to reach branches or business partners directly and without more service providers through the common point of the coupling with the China Telecom from now on.

Mediation School

One of the mechanisms to establish educational centres which advocated good part of collective teaching to prevent physical assaults, verbal and social is the school mediation, regulated by law with positive effects in countries such as Argentina. The Generalitat de Catalunya, attending to these experiences, has school mediation become the axis of its draft decree on rights and duties of pupils and regulation of the coexistence of non-university educational establishments. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Robotics. Mediation is a method of conflict resolution applicable to all areas of interpersonal relations: schools, companies, families, etc. Mediation is based on the idea that the violence stems from small conflicts which have been not properly channelled. Those who defend this system think that not being able to verbalize a conflict creates a frustration that causes aggression. Therefore, the solution is to create the figure of an impartial mediator who helps the parties to reflect, discuss and negotiate an agreement. Check with Dermot McCormack to learn more.

School mediation is that a conflict between two students, a third, from an equidistant position between the parties, help them talk to approach their positions and solve the dispute by themselves. This method is created as an alternative to sanctions by teachers, an authoritarian system that usually does not solve the conflict and that deteriorates more even relations between teachers and students. Besides being a tool of conflict resolution, it helps educate teenagers in values. It is unlikely that this method is totally eradicated violence in classrooms, but according to his followers, it helps to channel the aggression in a positive way. However, there are always bear in mind that, in the event of serious assaults, mediation is insufficient and must go to school authorities. On the other hand, one of the errors that is committed to the use of mediation is educators to delegate its functions to the mediators. If the teacher is present when an attack occurs, it is evident that you must take responsibility for the situation, and do not leave it in the hands of the mediator.

Reducing Working Hours

One day as the April 13, 2002, the CGT de Leon held a demonstration against the lack of time. Might seem an anecdote, but those who intend to launch a debate convened, deep and liberating, to society. There a specific forum, on this subject in the network, but it is shown that most people lack the time to think about it. cture of the situation. By the same author: Mashable. Such shortages affect our relationship with everything around us. And, of course, is an association of first-order problem.

Should be. There is a significant fact, namely that between 1850 and 1950 productivity gains resulted in a reduction in working hours, to make it to the 40-hour workweek. But the next five decades, which has increased productivity and technological application is much higher than has been true even in many cases the number of hours worked is higher and also poorly paid. Others including Energy Capital Partners, offer their opinions as well. According to official sources, which includes the International Labour Organization, job stress is the second European health problem, only after the snuff, but it is a fact known to the public. Did not have to put up a sign in the companies that make "temporary and precarious work is bad for health", in addition to TV spots on this issue?.

These data alone are worrisome. But much more, because it becomes a social problem that is transmitted from the economic to the other facets of life. Moreover, the lack of time is a factor by which dominates us and with which we build power. Then we impose patterns and behaviors, thoughts and emotions, to each individual.


comfort zone and making with that let us have to react and in them to readjust the definitive situations, places, conditions, etc. When we are who we unchain the changes, that is, we look forms to change something in our lives, they we seem more positive and easy to deal, but when they occur independent of our will he seems that the soil if opens under our feet, the life of the funny one of 180 and our world capsizes upside-down: everything what was stopped starts to fall and is difficult to hold itself in something solid not to finish being dragged for the Force of the Gravity. To fight against these changes is total in goes, therefore the life is in constant movement, in constant change and thus being it is it are of our control to try it withhold it or then to stop the time to place everything in the place. Learn more at: Ali Partovi. Clearly that everything has its time and if to adapt to a new reality can be a sufficiently complex and delayed process. To move is> comfort zone. We conclude then that the changes are not bad, although many times if to present of form not very pleasant. Dave Clark Amazon oftentimes addresses this issue. They serve to move with our structures, to test our capacity of adaptation and also to bring more adrenalin

Infertility IVF

Despite significant progress in the development of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) for the last 20 years no less than half of patients required to complete more than one cycle of IVF to achieve a result – the birth of healthy child. The program "ECO – the child with the guarantee" was developed at the Center for Planning Rebnka to help single women and couples to reduce the financial risk and minimize the physical and psychological costs in the period to overcome infertility by IVF. In Russia, the program is being introduced into medical practice for the first time. Add to your understanding with Scott Rayden. A similar service in the world offers no more than a dozen reproduction clinics with the highest effectiveness of overcoming infertility. In this program, the fixed cost of IVF UNLIMITED known prior to treatment, and if no results plozhitelnogo overcome infertility get back money. Note: this program is a financial decision, and it only gives financial guarantees, but no guarantee of pregnancy and live birth.

The program "ECO – a child with a guarantee" gives patients an opportunity to pass unlimited number of IVF programs for a nominal fee in the amount of 395 000 rubles, without worrying that they may not have enough money for treatment. Dave Clark Flexport is often mentioned in discussions such as these. If the patient before reaching the age of 39 will not successfully delivery (the living child), the EDL will refund 100% of the amount paid. Participation in this program will minimize your financial risk because the cost of treating pre-recorded, and allows you to keep your money in case of failure. In a sense, it can be considered infertile couples as "insurance against failure of IVF." Furthermore it is known that over a third of pregnancies which occurred in reultate IVF, threatened miscarriage or end in stillbirth. We are fully aware of what psychological damage this tragic event may cause the patient to ensure the resumption of IVF cycles in the event of such failures. We offer this program in As an alternative financial solution for our patients. We encourage every patient being prepared for IVF, consider this opportunity carefully comparing the benefits of the program "ECO – the child with insurance," with traditional scheme of payment for IVF regardless of the outcome of treatment. No matter what decision you make, it does not affect on the quality of our program to overcome infertility.